Most travellers to Vietnam end up returning home with a metal coffee filter as a souvenir. It generally takes just one sip of the delectable delights of traditional Vietnamese coffee to win us over. But unless you know the trick to make coffee like a local, no filter — no matter what quality or brand — is going to churn it out they way they make it in Vietnam. I couldn’t stop dreaming of the sweet and strong coffee they brew there so I sought out expert help from the team at Sao Nam in Kuala Lumpur. This charming Vietnamese restaurant in the neighbourhood of Bukit Bintang set me straight, teaching me exactly how to make coffee and showing me step-by-step how it’s done like a pro!
Please do visit Sao Nam next time you’re looking for authentic Vietnamese cuisine in Kuala Lumpur, they were so kind to let me come in and shoot this video and learn how to make coffee properly. You can check out Sao Nam’s Facebook page or their website to get hungry! In a follow up video, I’ll come back and share a full restaurant review and tips on how to make fresh and healthy spring rolls.